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Programs & Projects


Foundations For Change 


This is an introductory workshop for new S.A.V.A. participants. Here we discuss the tenets of S.A.V.A and do an individual assessment of each new member to assist us in identifying their individual goals, personal achievements, and motivational tools. This step in our program allows our staff to become better acquainted with the needs of each member. 


H​ealth Matters


This workshop deals with the affects our health and wellness have on our ability to thrive. It is difficult to invest in yourself in other areas of your life when your health and wellness are going unchecked. Our goal is to insure that resources are provided for all of our members so that they can fully focus on the other areas of their lives. We do this by connecting them to the necessary resources available to them. In addition S.A.V.A. will hold a health fair twice per year in addition to monthly eating healthy sessions which promote change at home. 


What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?


This workshop allows our members to dream big and utilize this process as a way to begin the self-investment process. We remove fear, limits, and negativity in order to teach members how to see themselves where they want to be. One of the most important components to this workshop is our ability to teach them creative ways in dealing with the inevitable obstacles which will occur. 

C​reative Pathways


At S.A.V.A we recognize that everyone learns differently and is motivated by different experiences. Art expression and the ability to creatively learn are integral to the tenets of S.A.V.A. Through our creative pathways program we support our members in utilizing art in various forms as a way to promote transformative educational outcomes. This will be done through a series of workshops, symposiums, and guest artists. It is our goal to support our members in showcasing their talents in all areas of artistic expression. 


Youth Empowerment Collective


This program will provide our participants with an open forum to discuss relevant issues affecting their lives by providing innovative problem solving and communication skills. In addition, participants will engage in activities related to civic engagement within the community. 

 P​eer Mentorship Collaborative

This program provides critical peer to peer support and advocacy services to help participants enroll in, continue, and complete programs that will support postsecondary education and training. This collaborative will support the participants professional development by leading to higher wage jobs. This program is supported through the participation of current college students who are matriculating through their college process. 

S​.A.V.A. Leadership Academy


We believe that an individual who can actively implement leadership and advocacy into their goals, can positively impact not only their lives, but the lives of those they come in contact with. We seek to not just pair our participants with people who have "made it" but we want to connect them with students who are currently finding success in their educational, personal, and professional lives. We do this by engaging our Peer Mentorship Collaborative participants who demonstrate leadership skills and a commitment to excellence. Individuals participating in the SLA will have already completed PMC training.

E​ach One Teach One


​This mentorship program was built on utilizing professionals from their respective fields. The mentorship beehive includes the building of a database which incorporates professionals currently working within various fields of interest. This also includes young professionals who are relatively new to their fields. We are matching professionals from various industries and disciplines who are dedicated to seeing our participants thrive. The expectation is to connect S.A.V.A. participants with these individuals to establish a clear understanding of how they have reached their goals. 

C​oming Soon!!!

S.A.V.A. and The Mills College Insitute For Civic Leadership will be holding it's first joint summer institute in the summer of 2015. 

Call us: (972) 827-SAVA(7282)

Fax us: (469) 454- 6766

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© 2013 S.A.V.A. INC

All Rights Reserved

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